PR-062 - PBB - Nine Tales of the Winds - CD

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At the very beginning, in 2018, there was Le Corps Utopique, commissioned music for a choreographic piece by the company Anima Motrix. Two atypical musicians explored the infinite facets of wind instruments from (almost) every country: launeddas, hulusi, granna, launeddas, cromorne, khen... These rare-sounding instruments played by Dominique Beven were mixed, amalgamated and metamorphosed by the electronics of Laurent Pernice, a composer from the French industrial scene of the 90s (Nox). A CD was released the following year by the Italian label ADN. The idea then emerged of bringing this project to the stage. The two invited Laurent Pernice's long-time partner, the writer and musician Jacques Barbéri, who, as part of the group Palo Alto, plays a Tibetan rhadong, a hunting horn, a genetically modified sax and an alto clarinet. Nothing but wind instruments... also electronically manipulated. The symbiosis was there for all to see.

Invited by AMI (Support for innovative music) to play at the Jest festival in Marseille in September 2022, rehearsals got underway. Everything was recorded on multitrack, including the concert. Hours and hours of improvisation, research and sonic experimentation that would require several weeks of editing and mixing. Laurent Pernice will produce the present CD. The German label Psychofon Records, which released the split vinyl Palo Alto/Ptôse Phantom Cosmonauts in 2017, is responsible for its publication.

The whole of this album was recorded in virtually live conditions, rather than using rerecording, with the help of musician and sound engineer Nicolas Dick (Kill The Thrill). The loops, created live by Laurent Pernice, as well as the echo and reverberation effects, often very present, helped to create a very

special sound, both lively and hypnotic, sometimes bordering on saturation. Perhaps the best way to describe this unidentified sound object is to consult the attached diagram. It is also advisable to listen to it at a fairly high

volume to fully grasp its infinite ramifications...


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PR-062 - PBB - Nine Tales of the Winds - CD
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